Data scientist at vTime Ph.D. in evolutionary biology Big football (soccer) nerd

Contact: joedgallagher[at]gmail[dot]com

Location: Liverpool, UK


Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sheffield, UK
      Thesis title: “Gregarious immunisation in the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor
MBiolSci Zoology, University of Sheffield, UK

Published research papers

Gallagher J.D., Siva-Jothy M.T., Evison, S.E.F. (2018). Social cues trigger differential immune investment strategies in a non-social insect, Tenebrio molitor. Biology Letters doi:10.1098/rsbl.2017.0709 (Paper link)

Armitage S.A.O., Gallagher J.D., Thompson, J.J.W., Siva-Jothy M.T., Evison, S.E.F. (2016). Resource constraints and variation in cuticular colour and architecture in adult Tenebrio molitor. Journal of Insect Physiology. doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2016.11.005 (Paper link)

Jacobs C.G.C., Gallagher J.D., Evison S.E.F., Heckel, D.G., Vilcinskas, A., Vogel H. (2016). Endogenous egg immune defenses in the yellow mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor). Developmental & Comparative Immunology. doi:10.1016/j.dci.2016.12.007 (Paper link)


Technical skills

  • Data analysis
    • Statistical analysis (regression, general linear models, mixed models, principal component analysis, bootstrapping, Bayesian inference)
    • Machine learning (e.g. predicting customer attrition with random forests)
    • Deep learning with Keras and TensorFlow (e.g. audio-based facial animation using convolutional network, text generation with LSTM)
    • Spatial data analysis (e.g. ethological analysis)
    • Forecasting time series data (incl multiseasonal patterns, regressors)
    • Natural language processing and sentiment analysis (n-grams, vocabulary-based vectorisation)
    • Customer segmentation (k-means clustering, DBSCAN)
    • Matchmaking (collaborative filtering) and content recommendation (content-based recommenders)
    • Quantitative financial modelling (RSI, MACD, percentile rank)
    • Monte Carlo simulation (e.g. World Cup success based on Elo ranking, expected points based on expected goals)
  • Data processing and warehousing
    • Advanced SQL with Redshift and PostgreSQL (UDFs, CTEs, query optimisation)
    • AWS: Data warehousing and maintenance with Data Pipelines, Redshift, and Command Line Interface
    • Data warehousing and query parallelisation with Pivotal Greenplum
    • Database administration (pgAdmin, phpMyAdmin)
    • Web scraping (Selenium, JSON / XML)
    • Integration with web APIs (Google Firebase, Google Analytics, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap)
    • Active external database connections with DBI-compliant interfaces (RPostgreSQL, PivotalR)
    • Advanced R for efficient, scalable, and exportable solutions (tidyverse, data.table, caret, H2O, keras, reticulate, shiny)
  • Data visualisation
    • Spatial data mapping with leaflet, webgl, etc…
    • Interactive apps and dashboards in shiny
    • Interactive javascript graphing in plotly.js and D3.js
    • Tableau
    • Advanced ggplot (e.g. blog posts)
  • Miscellanous
    • Shell scripting and automated task scheduling
    • Web development (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript; dynamic website design with CMSs [WordPress, Joomla], static site generation (Jekyll))
    • Automated report production with RMarkdown
    • Microsoft Excel: advanced formulae (e.g. VLOOKUP, SUMIF), pivot tables, conditional formatting
    • Automated image analysis (e.g. here, here and here) and motion tracking in C++)

Communication, teaching, and teamwork skills

  • Oral and poster presentations at scientific conferences
  • Teaching assistant on numerous undergraduate laboratory practicals (2011 – 2015)
  • Provided technical training on laboratory techniques and data analysis to visiting students and members of staff
  • Co-supervised several undergraduate and Masters research projects
  • Contributor to outreach programme ‘Discovery’ at University of Sheffield, a series of interactive workshops and talks aimed at promoting STEM to schoolchildren (2012-2016)